Warren Mosler

Warren Mosler, autore del libro Le sette innocenti frodi capitali della politica economica, e del Programma ME-MMT di salvezza economica per il paese è nato il 18 settembre 1949 a Manchester nello Stato dello New Hampshire.
E’ un economista statunitense (Levy Institute di New York), presidente e fondatore della società automobilstica Mosler, oltre che gestore di hedge fund.
Fondatore di spicco della scuola economica MODERN MONEY TEORY.
Attraverso il suo Centro per la Piena Occupazione e la Stabilità dei Prezzi, che ha sede presso l’Università del Missouri-Kansas City, finanzia sia borse di studio universitarie sia progetti di ricerca nell’ambito dell’economia in alcuni tra gli atenei più prestigisi di USA, Europa, Australia.
Direttore del sito di informazione economica e finanziaria Mosler Economics.
vedi anche: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Mosler

Warren Mosler, autore della seconda edizione del libro Le sette innocenti frodi capitali della politica economica:

Present, relocated Valance Co, Inc. the corporation that owns the shares of III Offshore Advisors and III Advisors, the companies that manage AVM and III, to the US Virgin Islands from Florida, where he currently resides and con- ducts his principle business activities.

Present AVM, L.P. Founder and Principal – AVM is a bro- ker/dealer that provides advanced financial services to large institutional accounts.
Present: Founder and Principal, Illinois Income Investors (III) – Developed numerous successful strategies that uti- lized US Government securities, mortgage backed securi- ties, LIBOR swaps and LIBOR caps, and financial futures markets in a market neutral, 0 duration strategy. Originated the ‘mortgage swap’ in 1986. Orchestrated the largest fu- tures delivery to date (over $20 billion notional) in Japan in 1996. Created the current euro swap futures contract.
William Blair and Company, Chicago – Founded fixed in- come arbitrage department. Developed numerous success- ful trading strategies in fixed income and derivative product markets.
Banker’s Trust NYC, Vice President, Sales and Trading – In- stituted active forward markets in GNMA securities trad- ing. Designed arbitrage strategies utilizing newly emerging financial forward and futures markets.
Bache and Co.Fixed Income Institutional Sales

The Savings Bank of Manchester – Pioneered the use of syn- thetic short term investments with long term securities and forward markets.
Enterprise National Bank: Director and major shareholder. Chairman and majority shareholder of Consulier Engineering
President and founder of Mosler Automotive (www.mosle- rauto.com) which manufactures the MT900 sports car in Riviera Beach, Florida.
Co-Founder and Distinguished Research Associate of The Center for Full Employment And Price Stability at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. CFEPS has sup- ported economic research projects and graduate students at UMKC, the London School of Economics, the New School in NYC, Harvard University, and the University of Newcastle, Australia.
Associate Fellow, University of Newcastle, Australia

B.A. in Economics, University of Connecticut

PRESENTATIONS – (Partial List)
“Current Events in Financial Markets: Economic and Spe- cific Trading
Opportunities,’ Cambridge University Conference on ‘New’ Monetary
Policy: Implications and Relevance, March 2004. “Workfare and Labor Market Policy,” University of Newcastle,
Australia, June 2001.
“A Review of Central Bank Options: Technical Discussion,” Singer Island, Florida, March 2001.
“A Development Plan for Palestine,” Sixth International Post Keynesian Conference, University of Tennessee: June 23-28, 2000.
“Declining Savings Rate and Growing Household Indebt- edness in North America,” testimony before the Standing Committee on Finance, House of Commons, Ottawa, Can- ada, May 2000
“Exchange Rate Policy and Full Employment,” University of Newcastle, Australia, December, 1997.
“Full Employment and Price Stability,” Eastern Economics Association, March 1997.
“Soft Currency Economics,” Bretton Woods, New Hamp- shire, July 1996.

PUBLICATIONS – (Partial List)
“Critique of John B. Taylor’s ‘Expectations, Open Market Operations, and Changes in the Federal Funds Rate’,” Jour- nal of Post Keynesian Economics, forthcoming.
“Public Sector Employment, Foreign Exchange and Trade,” Achieving Full Employment, edited by Ellen Carlson and William F. Mitchell, pp. 62-71, vol. 12, ELRR: Sydney, 2001.
“Unemployment and Fiscal Policy,” Unemployment: The Tip of the Iceberg, William Mitchell and Ellen Carlson (eds.), pp. 219-231, CAER: Sydney, 2001.
“Building a Palestinian Economy,” Middle East Insight, pp. 57-59, Washington DC, June-July 2001.
“Comment on ‘In the Interests of Safety,’ by Martin Mayer,” in The Management of Global Financial Markets, edited by Jan Joost Teunissen, pp. 94-101, FONDAD: The Hague, 2000.
“Exchange Rate Policy and Full Employment,” The Path to Full Employment, Ellen Carlson and William F. Mitchell (eds.), pp. 12-22, vol. 11, ELRR: Sydney, 2000.
“A General Framework for the Analysis of Currencies and Commodities”, in Full Employment and Price Stability in a Global Economy, edited by Paul Davidson and Jan Kregel, pp. 166-177, Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc, 1999.
“Full Employment and Price Stability,” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Winter 1997-98.